Thursday, June 24, 2010

how to motivate

Here goes an excellent video which teaches the art of motivating people and make others to work. it tells succinctly the art of extracting work. it tells us what motivates us.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Want to reveal a Secret = keep mouth tight.

People always have an urge to tell something. Especially about a secret about a good friend.

They tend to reveal to a person with a strong indication not to replay the same. When the teller leaves the place, the listener's first duty to is to reveal it. That also to the person about whom the matter is told.

So if you are in the habit of revealing something, put an end to that habit. Because it is the ideal of others to earn a good name and to it they want to discredit the one who told something, especially offensive about others.

On the other hand talk about someone highly in his absence, you can be very sure, it will never reach the other person.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Three things that spoil a person

There are three things that spoil a person.

If a person eschew these three, he can be happy in life.

1. Procrastination:= Postponement is our biggest enemy. Do not put off what you can do to day. We miss the train if we are late by a few minutes. We miss lot of things by postponement. So plan well in advance, execute it.

2. Inhibition:= Inhibition, or hesitation is another thing. We may think some thing. We may meet a person with whom we have a deal. Failing to ask at the right time spoils the result. Milk should not be kept in the open in the long, otherwise it will get spoiled. It should be either boiled or kept in fridge. Like wise if you have anything to ask or do, hesitation will totally ruin the plan.

3. Imaginary Fears:= We always have a fear factor in our mind. We worry what will happen this way or that way. Nothing to worry. Everything will happen as per your plan, if you plan. Avoid fears, that too imaginary fears.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Advise a friend - make an enemy

The tendency among people is when some one is ready to listen, they start to pour advise, ideas, just suggestions.

Mind it, people always want to give advise, never like to take it.

Be it a close relative, sister, brother, friend , they invariably like to detest people who pour advise.

People like to share their sorrows. In case if some one tells their stories, just listen with a sigh, oh oh etc.

Your duty is only to listen not to advise him. Because any one who gives advise is nicknamed after his departure and you will be shunned in future .

So never start to pour your advise to your friend or loved ones.

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Appearances are deceptive.

Never judge a cloth by its color. Likewise never judge a person by appearance. Some one may say that he can easily judge a person by appearance. Definitely not. What appears outward would never be a reflection of inward.

If you take crimes, many crimes are committed by those who are very near to the victims. So judging a person by appearance may not be right.

Some people believe that short persons should not be trusted. But Shastri was short. The whole country trusted him.

So a persons eyes, colour, height does not determine who he is.